Pneumology is a medical specialty based in the study of the Respiratory System. This unit specialises in diagnosing and treating Diseases and deficiencies of the Lungs and airways.
In order to provide the care our patients need, our Pneumology Unit is equipped with the latest technology.
Providing the correct treatment based on an accurate diagnosis and assessment, our Specialist Doctor can provide an individualized care for each patient.
Services offered by the Pneumology Unit at Helicopteros Sanitarios:
- Diagnostic, treatment and follow up of the respiratory system, pathologies like: COPD, Asthma, bronchiectasis, TBC, sleep apnea syndrome, lung cancer, interstitial pneumopathy among others.
- Baseline forced spirometry with or without broncodilator test for lung function study and for diagnosis and follow up of lung pathologies like COPD, asthma...
- Allergy
- Sleep Studies at home with last generation cardiorespiratory polygraph, for the diagnosis and follow up of Obstructive Sleep Apnea or hypoventilation-obesity syndrome among others
- A therapeutic sleep study to calculate the optimal therapeutic pressure at CPAP or BIPAP machine
- Diagnostic bronchoscopy, to study airway lesions, neoplasms, study of dyspnea or cough, etc.
- Therapeutic bronchoscopy, for extraction of foreign bodies from the airway, release of secretions in the airway, etc.